Tips and Tricks for Finding your Soulmate in College

Life at Zhelter
3 min readSep 8, 2021

College life brings with it lots of fun. We make new connections. The newly found independence gives a new beginning to our lives. It is usual for college students to develop a crush on someone in college. S/he may be of the same institution or from a different college altogether. Some want to keep a casual relationship. While others desire a partner with whom they can share a deep emotional bond.

Regardless of your orientations, here are a few tips and tricks which you can employ to increase the chances of finding your soulmate in college:

  1. They Happen: Friendships give birth to relationships. If you are hunting with the sole purpose of getting into a relationship with somebody, very likely you’ll not be successful. You may even end up offending the other person. Therefore, try to befriend as many people as possible. Care for your friends, be there with them. Go out and have fun. Do stuff together. If your chemistry is good with your prospective soulmate, the friendship will drift in that direction itself.
  2. Give it Time: If you try to hurry your way around it with your crush, it might go awry. You must give your partner the due time s/he needs to be comfortable with you. Grow your friendship gradually. When the time will be right and if your partner is comfortable with you, they will express their feelings themselves. If not that, they will drop minor hints at least.
  3. Be a Nice Person: Try to be a nice person with whom everyone is comfortable. You should respect the opinions of others, give them space and be generous with your intellect and time. This will eventually attract more and more people towards you which will increase your target pool.
  4. Go Out and Interact: This point has broad implications. You’ll see your people skills improve over time as you’ll interact with more people. As per your interests, you can find some activity which will bring you in contact with others. Few examples are heritage walks, academic competitions, speaker events, society involvements, handing around common areas, group dine-outs, etc.
  5. Initiate: It is alright to initiate the first conversation from your end. Be mild-mannered and pass hearty smiles. You can make general comments on the situation/matter at hand. You don’t have to be shy. Everyone likes a jovial and blissful person. But you shouldn’t be too pushy 2nd, 3rd time if you see the other person is not taking much interest. At this point, you should behave formally and not press any further.

It is not that difficult to build new friendships or relationships. Most of the time, college students make the problem of extremes. Either they get too outrageous and clingy. Or they never make the first move because of their fears. There exists a middle path: make good friendships which will invariably lead to good relationships.

